What’s the Big Deal? Specialization

Miguel Pacheco
4 min readOct 9, 2021


Image of the VR/AR Specialization Credits: Holberton

Hello everybody, welcome to another blog, in this case i want to explain about a STEM position, but first we need to know that STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. So for example take a biology class in college means that technically we’re taking a class that it’s part of STEM.

Well, for this blog i choose the Full-Stack Web developer role.

Full Stack Web Developer

Why is the role you chose an important one in STEM fields?

Acording to simplilearn.com Full Stack Web developers are STEM important

Working as a full stack web developer is perfect for those who prefer to freelance, as more and more companies are taking on full stack web developers as independent contractors. As an on-site full stack web developer, you will frequently interact with other members of your company’s marketing or IT departments. This in-demand role only continues to grow, so if you’re looking for a career path that promises job stability and tremendous opportunity, working as a full stack web developer is an ideal STEM career opportunity to pursue.


What makes this position interesting and unique?

As a Full Stack web developer, in particular, you will be an expert in coding and work on the front- and back-end of websites to ensure they operate as they should and provide good user experience.

What makes this role similar to others?

Basically what makes a Full-Stack Web developer role similar to other roles especially on the Web development industry according to lewagon.com is:

Worked closely with UI/UX team on figma/wire frame Converted figma/wireframe designs into a functional components in Angular/React Designed and developed a rich user interface with browser compatibility and responsiveness in mind Designed a pages with accessibility and automation consideration Various integration done in Angular front-end Used a micro-frontend architecture means micro-service enabled architecture Effectively handled a performance and security in mind followed a qualify coding standards in angular and react.


What specific programming languages and tools could one expect to work with in this position?

As a Full stack web developer you can expect to work with HTML, CSS and JS (JavaScript) for the Front-End and also you can expect work with some Frameworks like React or Vue.js, or for the backend you can expect work with Node.js, Python, PHP, also have knowledge of Database storage, HTTP, REST and NPM along with some design and soft skills.

What are some positives and negatives about this position?


  • They can carry out several tasks

A full stack developer has in-depth knowledge of how different stages of the software development projects must be carried out. In addition to that, they possess several skills such as front-end,back-end, QA testing code architecture and UI/UX design. . Therefore, they have diverse skills to work on different projects. They could learn it in a full stack developer course.

  • Preferable for Small Budget Projects

When a company hires a full stack developer, they are able to cut their costs on development projects. The reason being that, such developers can work on various processes. Therefore, the cost of each project is minimized.

  • Adaptability

A full stack developer is usually well-versed with the front-end and back-end technologies. That means that they can work on client-side and server-side when required. Therefore, they are adaptable and can switch to projects on either side whenever it is required. A full stack developer course gives one the hands- on experience to work on real projects.

A full stack developer may be able to work on various projects. However, they have some disadvantage too.


  • Under productivity and time management

The first disadvantage is that if a company relies on just one or two full-stack developers, it may lead to several tasks piling up over a certain period of time. Therefore, It could also lead to unproductivity and bad time management.

  • Not able to keep up with the trends

A full stack developer generally works across different processes, fields and skills. Therefore, it is a challenge for them to keep up-to date with the latest development trends, tools and technologies.

  • Confusion about their responsibilities

In full stack development team, a developer tends to take too much workload. As a result, they forget to divide their workload into smaller tasks. Therefore, they tend to get confused about their responsibilities in a certain project.

To summarize, a full stack developer can carry out various responsibilities. However, they have their own pros and cons. One can just enroll in a full stack developer course to know how they can use their skills efficiently to build a project from scratch.

Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day and Happy Coding.



Miguel Pacheco
Miguel Pacheco

Written by Miguel Pacheco

Student at Holberton School | Aspiring to be a Front-End Web developer

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